Unboxing: the HTC Desire

Welcome to Technogravy! I write the second half of this blog, with less technical language than Dwayne would give you, thus making Dwayne the guru!

Anyhow, coming back to the un-boxing and my first blog post here:

Here is our first unboxing video of the much loved android phone - HTC Desire. (hallelujah!!)
For those of you who are wondering what an android phone is? Here is the definition of android for dummies: Android is the operating systems of most of the new phones developed by Google, what the phone world is moving too. Its the coolest operating system present right now.

And that operating system is in a phone - the phone I would like to introduce to you as the HTC Desire! Watch me unbox it here:

Hope you enjoyed watching that. The camera aint the clearest but it worked well enough for me to show you in the unboxing video like I needed to.

Thanks for watching!



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